Friday, February 8, 2008

Go, fight, spend

In a February 5, 2008 article found on the Austin American Statesman website, taken from the Chicago Tribune, Bush is proposing the national budget for 2009 to Congress. The proposed budget is $3.1 trillion, increasing spending for defense while reducing funding for Medicare and Medicaid. $145 billion in tax relief is promised to help spur the economy. The deficit would reach $407 billion in 2009 with this budget. The national debt, which was $9.6 trillion this year would be an estimated $10.38 in 2009. This budget could bring the national deficit to record numbers. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Austin, said, "The president writes only in red ink, having never submitted to Congress a balanced budget. He piles on more debt to fund his misguided foreign policy while neglecting so many needs at home." This article is important because it shows how the checks and balances are being put to use. Congress, while fighting amongst themselves for party power, allow their party views to influence decisions. Democrats don't want Bush's plan. Also, Congress is supposed to monitor the use of United States money and make sure it is not being used for useless purposes. The war is taking a big chunk of our tax dollars with no sign of ending the conflict. I wish Congress would stop being so political and allow our money to be used for the benefit of the country and not just a few men in the right place.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

This article points out all the spending habits of our wonderful President Bush. It seems as though Bush thinks the United States government has a unlimited line of credit with the taxpayers. He suggest drawing out more funds to continue war, yet wants to cut the funds for Medicare and Medicaid. However, the good news is many of us taxpayers ( and some that aren't) will be receiving a cut of the 145 billion dollar tax relief.

With all this spending, it seems like the tax relief is just a way for President Bush to say, " Hey, I know all of you are suffering. Sorry, about the war, the gas prices and house market rates. Here is 300 dollars. Go spend as you please." He is really just looking out for us.
And maybe this money that is going towards the war is really being used to pull our young soliders home where they belong. There's a good possiblilty that the funds being cut from Medicare and Medicaid because there are so many frauds out there using it. Just maybe.....

But the truth of the matter is, Bush doesn't know what he's doing. He only knows spending. He will always back the war, and as long as he is in the Oval Office, the economy will stink.